Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Friends of School Days Past

I made my usual trip back home for Christmas to spend time with my family and friends. This Christmas was quieter than usual but that suited me, it gave me some quiet time for reflection on what can only be describe as a year of two halves. Lots of positive experiences with an equal amount of negative ones.

On one of my days back home, I had some paper work to file at Belfast City Hall. I put on the casual of casual clothes, more for the warmth than to make a fashion statement, considering the -6oC temp outside. I didn't put gel in my hair as it would've been frozen before I got to the car. Though I do remember days when frozen gel was a regular occurrence as I wouldn't go to school without it. I hadn't shaved, had cheap fake ugg boots on hidden under my jeans. Lets just say i was looking a bit rough!

On walking towards City Hall the one thing that I was dreading started to walk towards me. It was an old school friend. My brain went into over load, turn the corner, put your head down & walk on by, look into the shop window, ignore, ignore, ignore. My conscience quickly got the better of me and I waved from a distance and as he approached both our face lit up and we greeted each other with a proper Belfast "Well, whataboutye?" This followed by a good twenty minute conversation about how our lives have changed since school and what we are up to now. We said our goodbyes and I walked with a new spring in my step, having been uplifted by our conversation and relieved that he clearly didn't give a shit what I looked like but was genuinely pleased to see me.

Fast forward 90 minutes, leaving City Hall, walking towards car I seen another old school friend walking towards me! "Of all days that I don't want to meet anyone, here comes another" I thought. Feeling uplifted by my earlier chat I walked confidently in the direction of the on-coming old friend only to be shot down by the "head to the ground and pretend you don't see him stance" So we past each other totally ignoring the 7 years that we spent in school together, probably wondering what each other was up too and feeling totally embarrassed by how he dealt with a ghost of school days past.

So, the next time you get the urge to put your head down and ignore the oncoming friend fight against it and lift your head up, smile and say "Well, whataboutye?" in the strongest Belfast accent you can muster!

After thought, maybe he was ashamed to talk to someone with fake Pennys ugg boots on or didn't recognise me without gel in my hair but hey my feet were definitely warm and my head wasn't frozen!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fallen of the Wagon!

It's been just over two months since my last blog and I have to admit I fell of the wagon! When I started blogging I didn't anticipate the commitment in maintaining a regular blog. Once I stopped posting regularly it slipped to the back of my mind.

I am excited to get back to blogging as it was nice to get feedback on my thoughts, views and stories. So here goes, I'm back.

I'll also be blogging from my new desk which I got for Christmas, the best pressie ever.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Voting Early pays off

“Always make sure you vote” was the war cry from my mother, my father, my step father, my uncle, my granda and my granny. Having listened to them harping on about the importance of voting for the best part of 18 years when the opportunity arose for me to play a part in the democratic process at 18 I felt complete. (Well almost)

Going to the polling station I was nervous, excited and felt like a responsible adult. I took my place in line with my polling card in hand, along with my id. (It wasn’t necessary to have photo id at that time in the North) The line moved at a snails pace and just when I was second from the top all hell broke out. Some poor woman had her vote “stolen”, she had her id but no polling card, it didn’t come in the post. “Sorry that vote has already been cast” the official advised.

The lady went nuts at the fact that someone took her democratic right away and it was done so easily. Now systems have improved immensely following the introduction of photo id, however that was a life lesson that has followed me right up to this very day.

All week I was waiting on my polling card to arrive, it didn’t. This
morning after the postman delivered my mail without any polling card I was transported right back to that poor lady who had her vote stolen.

I immediately contacted DLRCOCO, they confirmed I was on the supplementary register and that I should have received my polling
card. The helpful lady at the other end of the phone advised me that there was a “problem” with them and that she was advised everyone would receive them before polling today. I told her that polling day is tomorrow and the postman is gone! She advised that I might receive it in the morning. I asked her what the problem was and she giggled and just said there was a problem and reassured me I can vote with photo id. I couldn’t believe that it didn’t occur to her that this could be a major problem.

What about all those people who might think they can’t vote without a polling card?

Now as I go to the polling station tomorrow without my polling card I
will be thinking how many fellow citizens will miss out on the
opportunity to exercise their democratic right because they didn’t
receive the official polling card and are unaware that they can still
vote with photo id. I believe this lack of organisation and
communication on behalf of DLRCOCO just isn’t good enough when the country is taking to the polls to vote on one of the most important referendums that will effect our future for years to come.

The full post can be found on

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

123 Days

It's been 123 days since I was made redundant, four whole months! Four months which at times seemed to drag by but looking back have gone faster than you can say 123.

Things I've learned since being made redundant


1. You take your stress out in those closest to you

2. It can be pretty shitty sometimes, especially as all your friends work and aren't around for a bit of craic

3. You beat yourself up over it even though its not your fault


1. You appreciate people around you a lot more especially when they do little things to cheer you up

2. You'll be surprised how little money you actually need to live a happy, healthy life

3. You get the opportunity to do the things you really enjoy doing

Do not do this when you've been made redundant

1. Tell your boss to fuck off - you might need a reference, but it's ok to call her a cunt as a cunt is a beautiful thing!

2. Spend what money you have, start budgeting immediately

3. Take any job that comes along, you might end up extremely unhappy

You might want to do this though

1. Get yourself a dog - best thing I ever did, she's great

2. Make lists to keep yourself busy, if you don't make a list you'll end up doing nothing

3. Enjoy yourself and do things that you love

Monday, September 21, 2009

and then the penny dropped!

As I walked close to the huge circus style tent I could hear the beats of the drums, the strumming of the guitar and the roar of the crowd. My stomach churned with anticipation or perhaps I should have eaten before I started drinking. The hits came one after another, after another. The audience danced and the endorphins swam like fish in a high sea. "Good times, these are the good times" came blasting from the stage "leave your cares behind...these are the good times."

Chic were rocking the crowd and these were good times indeed. For a few short hours I was dancing without a care in the world, forgot about the worries of no work and the daily stresses of paying the bills and wondering what the future held.

From the corner of my eye I saw him, just standing there, staring, not moving. He looked totally out of place with his broad shoulders, his peaked cap and the sour face of a guy who had just lost a million euros on some silly bet. His presence was not in sync with the mood of the crowd. I got pissed off at him. He was killing my buzz, he gave me a slap of reality that I didn't expect and one that I'll never forget. With that short glimpse he was reminding me of all those things I'd forgotten about. Feeling resentful I tried to forget about him then I tried to understand him. I failed miserably at both.

Chic played hit after hit, he just stood there, staring, not moving. I tried forgetting about him, moved further into the crowd danced with even more energy but he was still there. I kept looking back to check if the next soul tingling hit would make his body sway, flinch or flicker. Nothing!

He bothered me, he didn't ruin my night, just soured it a little. I just couldn't understand, why did he even bother turning up? Was he there through choice? Did he work there and just couldn't wait until he was able to get the fuck home? Was his stresses so great that he couldn't forget them for such a short time. I wanted to know his story but it was too late to ask for the night was over and my bed was calling. Not to mention the fact that he would've probably told me to fuck off!

The next morning the first image I had in my head was him, just standing there, staring, not moving. Why had his presence touched me so much? I just didn't get it, then with a sense of relief and explanation that I could comprehend I said to myself. "Maybe he was dancing on the inside" and off I went to make a bacon sandwich to feed that starving hangover.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Disturbing Dream.

I'm still in shock, I feel disturbed and I'm not sure when this feeling will leave me. I woke this morning trying to figure out if my dream was real or just a dream.

I dreamt a 13 year old girl I know went missing. The search parties were organised, the police informed. Initially her parents got sympathy from the press but then the press turned on them. Two years passed and nothing was heard from their daughter. It was such a mess until out of the blue her father got a call from his solicitor advising him that his daughter had been found dead in a local park. Police investigations intensified, the parents accused, until a neighbour admitted the killing. The murderer was a local women who held a grudge against the girl because she was always happy despite the face that she didn't have the most secure upbringing. The grudge turned into a jealous rage and Stacey was murdered.

When I woke from the dream the first thing I did was check my phone for messages in case something had happened, I even called my friend to tell her about the dream. I still feel disturbed and unsettled. Dreams can feel so real at times.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Redundancy Label

If you are here following the Irish Times student profile click on the redundancy label below in ordrer to read all the blogs regarding my redundancy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Batting Cleaver Marriage Equality

Whatever you want to call gay marriage as long as there is full equality I don't really mind.

I think the tide is turning and we're getting smarter. I came across this ad this morning. Simple, clear message, non of the drama from this past few months.

Well done all involved. Oh and fair play to Sinead for letting her name be used :-P

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Busy being unemployed!

Who said being unemployed was a doss! I've been fairly proactive in keeping myself busy this past few months but it was busy at my speed. This past two weeks I just haven't stopped. I've got that feeling that there just aren't enough hours in the day. I normally only get that feeling when I'm working (and getting paid for it).

What's keeping me busy? Everything. Maxie (the dog) still needs her walks. I've seen a job that I'm applying for - it's a long shot but god loves a tryer. I've really got into my book (the one i'm writing not the one I'm reading, though I would recommend it

The Billionaire Who Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune) I'm in the zone, it's just a nuisance that there are about 30 other things in the zone. I'm still car booting it at the weekends. I've assignments to do. I've put myself forward to join a board of an NGO. I feel I should be blogging after the huge spike in traffic yesterday. Oh yeah and I'm building a website! House needs cleaned. Dinners need made and the car needs serviced.

I'm thinking of advertising a for a PA and giving the lucky applicant a days dole! Wonder what social welfare would think about that........

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcoming new visitors

I'd like to welcome all new visitors coming over from Damien Mulley's Blog. You can imagine my surprise when my hits went through the roof this morning. I thought twitter can't be having that much of an impact yet, can it? I set up a twitter account directly linked to my blog to see if it really would have an impact on traffic.

Anyway, I hope you find something of interest on this blog and come back and visit again. Cheers Damien!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bradys got some Balls!

The Primate of All Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady said yesterday that the proposed Civil Partnership Bill would hugely change peoples concepts of the family. Has he not noticed that the makeup of the Irish family has been steadily changing long before any proposed Civil Partnership Bill was ever mentioned?

I find it quiet ironic that he chose to come out with such a statement, considering he is the leader of an organisation that has destroyed so many families because of its previous close relationship with the state. One doesn't need to look too far to see examples of this. Would this be a good juncture to mention the Ryan Report, Cardinal Brady?

While I recognise the church has a roll to play in society and that it's entitled to its opinion. I feel that the church should keep its nose out of government matters such as the Civil Partnership Bill. After all, who elected the Catholic church to run the country?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bed, Breakfast, and Blogging.

It's Saturday morning, it's 10am and I feel that I've slept in until after noon. I've had the best nights sleep I've had in months and to top it off I was presented with breakfast in bed. Bliss!

Not having a job to get up and go to each day means that your weekends are no long your weekends. Mondays can be as fun as Saturdays and Tuesdays as lazy as Sundays and any day when you have to get up early can feel like a Monday. This is the first Saturday since I was made redundant that it has actually felt like a Saturday.

This week I decided that I was going to instigate a new regime, up by 8.30am read emails, check facebook, read the papers and have breakfast by 9.30am. Come 9.30am I refer to the list and see what can be accomplished and this week has been my busiest yet.

The job front looks particularly bleak, there are very few jobs being advertised that I would actually be interested in. I've almost completed all my assignments from summer school and I'm almost finished my new website for my new business. So with that in mind, I've decided it's time to get into the zone and finish my book.

As I type from under the covers of my duvet, I'm cherishing the fact that on this fine Saturday morning that it actually feels like a Saturday morning. Lets hope that tomorrow it truly is a lazy Sunday that way I'll have had my first proper weekend in three months.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Namely, The Doggie Park

I've been going to our local doggie park for about 8 weeks, usually every other day. Maxie knows that as soon as we pull into the car park, exactly were she is heading. It's about a three minute walk from the car park to the doggie park. She pulls on the lead, in her haste she almost pulls the arm out of my socket. As we get closer to the perimeter fence she stops, checks to see who's in the park, and I'm sure contemplates whether or not she could jump over the fence.

The amount of dogs in the park fluctuates on any given day from just me and Maxie, to around 25 dogs and their owners. There are all sorts of breeds, shapes and sizes of dogs. Most have a good temperament as they've been well socialised with other dogs. As well as meeting all sorts of dogs, you meet all sorts of dog owners. We end up chatting about everything from the weather to the recession but mostly we tell each other how great our dogs are.

Returning home yesterday, Maxie bate out in the back seat I realised that of all the people I bump into at the doggie park I don't know any of their names. I know they don't know mine. We've never asked each other but we do know the names of each others dogs. Namely Molly, Dexter, Oscar, Gucci, Prada,(I know!) Ben, Sushi, Bailey, and Sasha, to name a few!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Paying Forward Part II

I received the copy of Lend me your Ears book from Scott, many thanks Scott, I really appreciate it. It still amazes me and brings a smile to my face that one comment on a blog led to a complete random stranger taking the time to go out of his way and post me the book. Inside the book was this card (photo) which tagged me and asked me to commit a random act of kindness.

I have since carried out a random act of kindness by giving a fellow student a book that she needed however I don't think it was in the spirit of Paying Forward as I knew her.

I'll be on my look out for some unsuspecting person to tag and surprise. You too can order some Smile cards for free by requesting them from

You can read how all this came about my reading my previous blog on Paying Forward.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Every time I hear the word NAMA, I can't help singing the Sesame Street song Ma nah ma na NAMA and it brings a smile to my face. I don't know why maybe it conjures up some childhood memories but I'd place my bets on how ironic it is.

NAMA (National Assests Management Agency) is the governments brain child to rid our banks of all their bad debts leaving us, the taxpayer with all the risk. Now I'm not a financial expert and I don't know if I agree or disagree with NAMA however it does make me feel uneasy that the property developers who made millions perhaps billions during the Celtic Tiger are being bailed out. It's argued that if NAMA wasn't implemented that the country could face dire consequences but what about the dire consequences that we may face in the future because of NAMA.

The government appointed economist, Colm McCarthy, who identified €5.3 billion possible savings from government spending, stated that the Irish Banks could still be nationalised despite NAMA being implemented. Is this some kind of sick joke? We spend billions creating NAMA to help save the banks but might have to spend even more billions nationalising the banks further.

Ever get the feeling that you're in a dark room trying to find your way out with everyone giving different directions, maybe that's how the government feels as none of them are qualified enough to deal with this situation. I can also imagine the ministers sitting around the cabinet table twiddling their thumbs, looking into their department papers not fully understanding the magnitude of the crisis we're in, the impact of NAMA or even gaging public sentiment correctly but one thing is for sure I bet when the going gets tough the burst into song Ma Nah Ma Na Na Nama, Ma Nah Ma Na Na Nama, Ma Nah Ma Na Na Nama just to make them feel better!

Hen Pecking!

Twice last week I came across the term "Hen Week". What on earth is a Hen Week? I asked a friend of mine who was about to go on one of these previously unheard of excursions.

We've all heard of hen nights, haven't we? A group of the girls and a bride to be all get together for one final wild night out before she's tied to the kitchen sink by her apron strings.

Hen weekends have become a more common trend in recent times, were the same group of friends all jump on a short haul flight for a city style break in a European city. Fair enough, some times it's cheaper to get a return flight to London, Barcelona, Karkow or Budapest than it is for a taxi ride home. Hen and stag weekends became the norm.

During a recession and a era of financial instability for many, I couldn't believe that a Bride or Chief Bridesmaid would organise a Hen Week. It would be fair to say in the two instances that I'm aware off, that the social network wouldn't be the most affluent in society, average incomes, average jobs. I thought that this was highly inconsiderate and put people under extreme pressure both financially and organising time off work. What if some in the party had kids? Childminders, school drop offs, and pick ups, etc to be organised

Weddings are expensive enough for guests, new clothes, gifts, hotel, transport, bar bill etc but adding on a week of festivities in a foreign country is taking the biscuit. Isn't it or am I just getting tight in my old age?